The most important lesson there is to learn in social media advocacy is this: you must let the truth get in the way of storytelling. Whether you are advocating a cause on social media or creating a branded story for a company, I would urge you to remain steadfast in telling the truth. Don't let a … [Read more...]
The power of transmedia storytelling – SmartPlanet
While most advertising agencies are paying lip service to transmedia storytelling, the majority don’t understand it. Intrinsic to this kind of approach are vast narratives—stories that are deep and compelling, that are set in worlds with rich histories. Ad agencies don’t have creatives with the … [Read more...]
Hitchcock: mobile storyboarding iPhone app
Looks interesting. Wonder how's this being used in a more coporate set-up (e.g. advertising, online campaigns); how clients react to this kind of storyboarding (in contrast to the more traditional ones)? I can imagine that this works very well for in-between conversations / consultations. I like … [Read more...]
What’s exciting about transmedia?
[youtube=] Transmedia refers to a convergence of different media, technologies and culture that dynamically recreates and remediates each other and the ecosystem they reside in. In other words, the … [Read more...]
Micro-storytelling: putting emotion and context back in the now
Stumbled upon this application /service called 'thisMoment'. It lets you create 'moments' via images and videos and share to your friends. Nothing earth-shaking, except you can link it to your existing networks so you can select the images and videos from these souces and share easily the moments … [Read more...]
Susan Boyle: whose story are we truly telling?
So many have heard of Susan Boyle and so much has been said about her in such a short amount of time, that it’s now even quite cliché to make her a dinner topic. It’s easy to forget that her story just hit the Net in April and, within a matter of two months, has left a very bright trail across the … [Read more...]