We want to be good in social media to become better business. But we also need to be a better business first if we want to be successful in social media. What makes social technologies disruptive and success in social media elusive is the fact that social media in practice is not just about social … [Read more...]
Five good reads: iPad UX guidelines, Event marketing, Pinterest analytics, Content strategy for your boss, Make social media personal again
1. iPad User Experience Guidelines http://uxmag.com/articles/ipad-user-experience-guidelines Helpful even for non-designers (like me). It helps give you the big view on how to build user experience on the iPad. 2. The Definitive Guide to Event … [Read more...]
Social media metrics that matter
Avinash Kaushik's article on the best social media metrics may have been written a little more than a year ago, but it still resonates with relevance even against the backdrop of fast-changing developments in social media analytics. He poses an approach that focuses on using four metrics that are … [Read more...]
Recommended link: how big data analysis and social media deliver business value
In the post, 'Ten examples of extracting value from social media using big data', Dion Hinchcliffe shares diverse industry cases that all benefitted from culling actionable business insights from a strategic application of big data and social media analysis. Bookmark this if you're on the look-out … [Read more...]
Recommended links: Big data analytics and the US Elections
Three relevant links showing the data-driven character of the Obama campaign and how big data analytics is changing the way insights, strategy and tactics are being utilised in elections. 1. Wrath of the Math: Obama Wins Nerdiest Election Ever The role of big data analytics in the US elections: " … [Read more...]
Social media analytics for noobs
This article is meant for people like me – newbies in the world of social media analytics. I suspect a lot of people working on web analytics would also feel like beginners since this field is still in its inception. A lot of areas are still unexplored and social media has the tendency to … [Read more...]