Here's Jane McGonigal on TED Talk: [ted id=1501] … [Read more...]
Key business areas that drive social media success
We want to be good in social media to become better business. But we also need to be a better business first if we want to be successful in social media. What makes social technologies disruptive and success in social media elusive is the fact that social media in practice is not just about social … [Read more...]
Five good reads: iPad UX guidelines, Event marketing, Pinterest analytics, Content strategy for your boss, Make social media personal again
1. iPad User Experience Guidelines Helpful even for non-designers (like me). It helps give you the big view on how to build user experience on the iPad. 2. The Definitive Guide to Event … [Read more...]
Google Glass is coming — will your business be wearable?
Wearable computing is about to change a lot of the ways we create design, individual user experience, and how we interact with others. Google Glass will definitely amp the augmented reality (AR) sector, with the games and toys industry as the most obvious beneficiary. Take a look at these AR toys at … [Read more...]
A content-first approach is relevant to both UX and social strategy
Bas Evers talked about the importance of a content-first approach to customer experience (CX) and user experience (UX) design process at The Web and Beyond 2012 conference held on Sept. 26, 2012 in Amsterdam. Despite the central role content plays in the touchpoint design process, it is easily … [Read more...]