1. Keynote: The Collaborative Economy with Jeremiah Owyang http://www.slideshare.net/jeremiah_owyang/collaborative-economy-keynote-jeremiah-owyang The collaborative economy: an economic model where ownership and access are shared between people, startups, and corporations. What this means: the … [Read more...]
Google Glass is coming — will your business be wearable?
Wearable computing is about to change a lot of the ways we create design, individual user experience, and how we interact with others. Google Glass will definitely amp the augmented reality (AR) sector, with the games and toys industry as the most obvious beneficiary. Take a look at these AR toys at … [Read more...]
Comments take center stage with Google SideWiki
Most of you have probably been in a conversation with clients or colleagues where they profess to like the concept of user reviews and comments but don't want to enable that for their websites for fear of negative responses. You then say that the users are already talking about your brand anyway … [Read more...]