This presentation By Doug of Velocity Partners offers meaningful B2B marketing lessons for small business owners that are relevant for both work and life. His search for meaning in B2B marketing is told in a sincere and authentic voice. No clever buzzwords, just great insights that bind the … [Read more...]
The push for ‘high-quality content’ goes beyond Facebook
Facebook's new news feed algorithm will start surfacing more 'high quality content'. This means you might start seeing more links to articles especially on mobile (e.g. current events, sports, interests, meme photos). In the future, Facebook hopes to be able to distinguish better between a meme … [Read more...]
Infographic: 22 content-creation tips
This is Copyblogger's first ever infographic and should definitely find a home on your wall of ideas. Like this infographic? Get more content marketing tips from Copyblogger. … [Read more...]
Key business areas that drive social media success
We want to be good in social media to become better business. But we also need to be a better business first if we want to be successful in social media. What makes social technologies disruptive and success in social media elusive is the fact that social media in practice is not just about social … [Read more...]