I can’t believe this day has finally arrived…we’re going to the Philippines for our holiday! We’ll be staying there for almost month – 27 days. Not a full month, but still, 27 care-free days!!! Ok, subtract 2 days or 3 for when I start having anxiety attacks a few days before our return ;-p
Of course, I’ll be taking the QBs with me (who still believe it’s just another ploy to get them to attend sprint demos and planning), and Sangga who’ll help me to be brave during the 12 hour flight. I’ll bring Kitty as well, who finally can get off the bed and see the world beyond it. Martin will be with me (that’s a given) to carry my luggage full of ‘pasalubong’ (gifts) for family and friends. You know, typical Dutch fare of cheese, sausage and chocolates ;-p
All my friends are excited, and our weeks are mostly pretty booked already– so many to see and talk to and just catch up. What I’m personally very curious to see are all the eletion gimicks (elections are in May) and just ow militarised Manila now is. Yep, government is deploying soldiers in the cities primarily to make it miserable for leftist candidates. Sadly, it’s a dangerous time again to be or even just sound leftist in the Philippines.
Expect us to be back with lots of photos and stories to share! Whee!!! ;-p
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