I just reserved my spot to be amongst the first to get #ECHO, a real-time commenting widget that can be embedded on any site or using a Blogger/Wordpress plugin.
Echo’s creator, JSKit — a leading creator and provider of commenting services as well as widgets for rating and polling — proudly announced the death of comments with the arrival of Echo. If Echo does work the way it promises to, it will cause the demise of comments as we know them; but at the same time, it will bring to life a revolutionary new way of commenting. Static pages become a real-time live stream of coments, tweets, diggs, ratings and more. Comments and conversations will merge to create a more wholistic narrative of your post, product or brand.

The development of features such as Echo and other similar services that aggregate your conversations in one place, like FriendFeed and Gigya Socialize contribute to the growth of the content aggregation trend. After conversations and content spread and pollinate, the need to bring them back together and see the whole story becomes essential.
Take-away: Real-time commenting feature on your blog or website means being able to aggregate conversations in different social networks about your posts as they occur. Aggregating conversations in your site adds such great value. Whereas conversations are spreading outward from your site — thereby decreasing to a certain extent the relevance of your site — pulling all these “ripples of conversations” to flow back in your site puts your blog / company / product / brand back in the centre of conversations without disrupting the whole social media narrative.
For more details on Echo’s features, check out the JS-Kit Echo site.
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