As my 4 year old nephew would exclaim: This is pure awesomeness! This guys used Second Life as a platform for augmented reality. They’ve demonstrated the power of Massively Multiplayer Online Worlds (MMO) plaforms in evolving new forms of interactive narratives.
The act of ‘releasing’ Second Life avatars and graphics into our ‘first life’, is a re-mediation of both virtual reality and the real world. This makes the spaces we inhabit — whether virtual or real — more persistent, immersive and dynamic. This holds great potential for positive applications: for people to gain new experiences on storytelling, gameplay, social interactions, learning and creative experiments. Can you imagine what kind of applications we can create for different fields like science, art, litereature, social sciences, environemental studies, and others? I wonder how a public protest or a rock concert would be like when attended by real people AND their avatars?
Visist http://arsecondlife.gvu.gatech.edu to find out more about this project. Get more AR from: http://blog.augmentality.org/2009/07/first-life-second-life-meet-talk-about-ar/
Related article – Augmented reality: will it also enrich our understanding of the world?
that’s awesome! wow