‘Ka Bel’, as he popularly known and fondly called by fellow labourers and comrades in the Philippine labour movement, has passed away. He was 75 years old.
Just read in the news that the tireless labour leader and Congress Representative died 11:48 a.m., Philippine time. He fell from the rooftop of his home, the head injuries proved to be fatal. He was fixing a leak on the roof. Fixing stuff around the house was part of his morning ritual according to his family.
He always said he would like to die in action. That he died in an accident and that his death was not expected, doesn’t make his life any less heroic. It only makes his death a greater sorrow. He is truly one of the Philippines’ modern heroes. This loss will reverberate strongly in the hearts of Filipino workers around the globe.
Rest in peace, Ka Bel.
hey timi, it is amazing how many people are touched by the death of Ka Bel. I am happy he squatted next to me during a picketline. Fixing a roof of his simple house, writing a bill for genuine landreform, fighting for the 125peso wage hike. All is part of a true labor-leader.