Back from a month-long holiday in the Philippines and now faced with a huge backlog of brilliant posts to read from my favourite thinkers and writers. Thank goodness for smart infographics such as this one by Michael Brito, which set my mind again on the fundamentals of Social Business. It has inspired me to start working on one myself. It’s not only an essential for presentations, but also a good mind exercise for checking ones thinking and challenging ones notions about Social Business.
Thanks to advocates of Open Research, Creative Commons and the Open Web for continuing to share knowledge and insights freely – and beautifully, too 😉
And if you like this infographic, then maybe you’d like the book, too. It has genuinely piqued my curiousity. In this case, it’s an effective tool for promoting the book! [I hope Headshift and Lee Bryant will publish a book on social business, too.]
The Social Business infographic created by Online MBA
hi there .. thank you so much for posting the infographic. I really appreciate it.
hey michael – thank *you* for creating – and sharing – materials such as this infographic that help people like me communicate better what social business is all about.