Just came back from my appointment with the ‘praktijksondersteuner’ (medical assistant or registered nurse) for my sugar level, where I got the news that I officially have diabetes type 2. It feels weird to suddenly now have the word ‘diabetes’ attached to my concept of me. I associate that word usually with my aunts or uncles and my mom. But the difference is that my mom was only diagnosed with diabetis a year ago. She’s 67, I’m 36. Ok, admittedly, she could’ve have it before, but just wasn’t aware of it since she belonged to that generation who regarded check-ups as a waste of money, and that a trip to the hospital was necessary only when your condition was ‘deathly’ serious. Of course the other half of that same generation would counter that a trip to the hospital isn’t needed at all since you’re dying anyway.
Anyway, back to my story. It’s quite shocking for me to be officially diagnosed with diabetes. I was aware that it run in my family, but until this afternoon I had dismissed it as a matter of lifestyle (a great deal of it is) and a consequence of (old) age. The Timi server translates it to: I can’t have diabetes since I’m still young and don’t really eat a lot of sweets..well, not as much as others I know. Turns out Diabetes 2 occurs mostly in people above 40 and younger if it runs in your family. Plus the fact that being a carbohydrates-junkie doesn’t help to prevent it. Ouch. Just realised I’m not 19 anymore, that I’m an anti-gym person, and a hobbit who thinks of wanting to eat pizza the next time, while chomping on my pasta.
Morality is indeed catching up with me. Diabetes, extra 30 pounds, gray hair and wrinkles apearing each day, and the eternal question of what-is-life-and-what’s-my
I’ll see in the next 3 months how I’ll fare; see if I can lose weight the right way (another ouch), eat right, get less stressed and hopefully lower my cholesterol and sugar level so I won’t need to take medication. Wellness was my theme for 2009, and it looks like it’s holding me to my word.
kawawa ka Timi… it’s young but – like you said- not impossible if you combine diabetes prone-genes with carbo-sitting lifestyle. I think one soon day Tess will also have diabetes.
nevertheless, based on your blog: I trust you will be able to turn it around. I will use your blog – a beautiful mix of common sense, funny formulated emotions, constructive self-critique and achievable plans to arrouse my pre-diabetes patients.
good thing there is still social security and evidence based medicin in the netherlands. in the Philippines the commercial healthcare approaches diabetes very medicine-oriented (like with Nanay) and with a lot of technology. while it is just about moving and eating right.
I know you know that. And we know knowing is not enough for behaviour-change. But it does help a lot.
kawawa ka Timi… it’s young but – like you said- not impossible if you combine diabetes prone-genes with carbo-sitting lifestyle. I think one soon day Tess will also have diabetes.
nevertheless, based on your blog: I trust you will be able to turn it around. I will use your blog – a beautiful mix of common sense, funny formulated emotions, constructive self-critique and achievable plans to arrouse my pre-diabetes patients.
good thing there is still social security and evidence based medicin in the netherlands. in the Philippines the commercial healthcare approaches diabetes very medicine-oriented (like with Nanay) and with a lot of technology. while it is just about moving and eating right.
I know you know that. And we know knowing is not enough for behaviour-change. But it does help a lot.
sorry to hear the news… mahirap nga pag may diabetes…
i’ve been trying to cut down on my sugar intake nga… may sweet tooth rin ako hehehe….
blessing na rin at nalaman mo at this stage… you can still work around to control it.
sorry to hear the news… mahirap nga pag may diabetes…
i’ve been trying to cut down on my sugar intake nga… may sweet tooth rin ako hehehe….
blessing na rin at nalaman mo at this stage… you can still work around to control it.