A lot of companies approach social media from the perspective of technology. They fail to realise that the business of social media starts and ends with people and relationships, not tools. ‘Media’ is a part of social strategy development. But that’s just it — it’s one part of the strategy. Social business is not limited to social media. Developing a social strategy requires in-depth understanding of your target group’s socialgrapics and a sharp focus on business goals. It recognises the fact that while engagement metrics are important, business goals remain the benchmark for progress and indicator of success.
The presentation below from Altimeter (2nd in a series of three) defines four goals in developing social strategy: learn, dialog, support and innovate. Not that I expected anything less from Altimeter, but their take on social strategy is refreshingly straightforward and on-target. I’m pleased that it also emphasises the role of requirements for internal changes. Social stategy development requires casting ones sight not just outside the organisation, but internally as well. This presentation is intended to be shared as Altimeter advocates Open Research, so repost and share it on your social networks.
Developing A Social Strategy Webinar[gigya width=”425″ height=”355″ src=”http://static.slidesharecdn.com/swf/ssplayer2.swf?doc=socialstrategybyobjectivesfinal3-100224170008-phpapp01&stripped_title=developing-a-social-strategy-webinar” quality=”high” wmode=”tranparent” ]
Thanks Timi for this post. Good topic and presentaion. I appreciate your putting out this kind of content. Rob