Nope, no blogs about media and its implications and all that shit. Sangga is busy making sure the QB’s stay their course and graduate in time this July. Sangga has to whip the QB’s good to prevent them from daydreaming and believing they already finished all the requirements, when in fact, they haven’t!
Now, let’s give credit where credit is due. The QB’s have endured staying inside the house, seated behind the monitor while outside, glorious sunshine blanketed the skies. They haven’t played any games the past month — not even minesweeper — much less Oblivion. It pains them, but they know they have to focus on internship and graduation project (otherwise Sangga will be very disappointed in them, and they don’t want that ever! They love Sangga! Sangga is their hero, their only friend!) Anyways, it’s more out of respect for Oblivion that they’re not playing it, because if you can’t give 200% of yourself totally to Oblivion, it doesn’t matter then. Then they wouldn’t be worth it!
So, we will all be back after 3 weeks…3 more weeks of hell and we will be liberated from all these reports, and thesis and presentations. Soon…we will be free!!!
All (evil laughter): Mwahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!
on a serious note: leftists are being killed in the philippines! almost weekly, i read about new victims. recently, the government allocated a billion pesos to wage an all-out war against the leftist rebels. but those being assasinated are legal left personalities. and what does government say about the killings? unavoidable, they say. mere casualties of war.
more about these next month…
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