Jumpstart your Content Crusader Programme
with this insights-packed, action-focused
Content Brand Marketing Workshop
The smartest way to attract our ideal audience and nurture communities is to master the creation and distribution of content that genuinely helps people. We should make it our business to package our expertise, products, and services into content that meets the information needs of our customers. We should make it our expertise to deliver consistently well-crafted and well-distributed content because this fuels all our other initiatives in search, social, and marketing.
The barriers to creating and distributing content are all but gone. But to make it sustainable, we’ll need a strategy, a system, and a lot of courage.
If you’ll bring courage, I’ll bring the strategy and system.
Workshop goals
The Content Brand Marketing Workshop is a face-to-face workshop. It can be a standalone or as part of a larger marketing or branding strategy. It can be for individuals or teams. It aims to:
- Help you focus, clarify and prioritise the kind of content you need to develop for a specific business goal or recognised opportunity
- Provide a method for identifying cornerstone themes or topics where your brand or organisation can use and leverage for your branding and marketing goals
- Get you started on treating content as a strategic business asset rather than just a marketing cost
- Introduce the basics of a Content Crusader Programme
Levelling off / Presentation on content brand marketing (Content Crusader Programme)
Why is better for business to be a content brand, a content authority, and a content crusader?
1. Experience with content use (quick content audit)
2. Who you make it for (persona alignment)
3. Insights
Level off with business goals (refer to ideal customer relationship + identified challenge for the next 6-12 months) and define content marketing goals
Content mission statement
Get clarity on the “Big Why” and the “So, What?” of your content marketing efforts. Remember, you’re developing content as business assets so they must pass the baloney test.
Content roadmap
1. Starting points (Customer journey and content gaps)
2. Identify top 3 cornerstone content (your Content Zone of Authority)
Identify: Minimum Viable Content (MVC)
1. What’s the main action the business wants to cause (for a particular target, e.g. a product launch, a campaign, etc.)
2. How can content support this action?
3. Identify initial content requirements and deliverables to guide you in planning your content projects in general, and identify best candidates for your MVC.
What else is included in this workshop?
This workshop includes
- Pre-workshop homework
- Content workshop summary
- Content roadmap templates
- Content gaps and opportunities document
How long will it take?
The workshop itself will take about 4 hours. Plus 2 hours more for pre-workshop homework and post-workshop summary.
Where would it be conducted?
The venue will be at your office.
How much is the workshop fee?
The total value of this workshop is € 1,250.00. But for small business and non-profits, I waive my professional fee so I can offer it for only € 525.00.
If you’re an organisation, there are no limits to how many people can attend. For individuals, I’d suggest forming a team of up to 4 members to help with covering the fee. Why only 4? As you will all have different businesses and objectives, I want to limit the number of participants so I can focus on providing clear guidance and actionable feedback.
For a team of 4, a business investment of €131.25 for a 6-hour workshop amounts to only €21.80 per hour.
Sign up for announcements or contact me for more information
For any questions especially about the fee, deliverables, and process, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.